Alex shares his story how Adult and Tenn Challenge has changed his life. He went from being an Atheist to now finding Hope in Christ.
Today Teen Challenge offers help to over 28,000 men, women, boys and girls worldwide who face life-controlling problems.
In a day when drug abuse and addiction has crossed every geographic, economic, cultural and ethnic barrier, Teen Challenge is a refuge where freedom can be found. Every day God’s love and forgiveness is transforming lives from the inside out.
We offer hope for those who have grown up in families and communities where substance abuse creates a spiral of addiction, as well as those who come from stable and loving homes in good neighborhoods. Change can happen.
Adult & Teen Challenge Memphis,ATCTN,Substance Abuse Recovery,Teen Challenge,Recovery,recoveryisworthit,recoveryispossible,RecoveryJourney,addictionrecovery,AddictionTreatment,addictionsucks,addictionrehab,addictioncare,Hope Lives Here,AddictionHelp,Drug Recovery Program,Christ Based Rehab,Addiction Testimony,Teen Challenge testimony,Middle Tn,Story of Hope,Find Hope,Alex's Story,Atheist to Christian,Clarksville Teen Challenge,Clarksville Adult and Teen Challenge,