
2 Simple Practices of Detachment That Lead to Spiritual Liberation

2 Simple Practices of Detachment That Lead to Spiritual Liberation Visit to hear more samples of this Shakti meditation music. Talk on how detachment leads to spiritual liberation with 2 simple techniques of Bhakti and surrender.

Detachment is an important part to spiritual liberation but seems like quite a difficult task. When we think of detachment, with think of monks who have renounced everything including their hair and that is not the life we live.

Here are 2 simple practices of detachment. One is bhakti (devotion) where we give ourselves to a mantra, a meditation technique or even the feeling of peace. In giving out attention one pointedly to one of these, we free our attention from being involved with thoughts that reinforce the sense of me that is ego and allow attention to be immersed in that which is goes beyond the sense of self.

The other part to spiritual awakening is surrender. When we are confronted with an intense moment where life is not going the way we think it should, we surrender holding on to the thoughts that are creating this. In this we are surrendering our sense of self, our identity and experience the light, the bliss, the peace, the joy that is underneath.

When we get to no-self, we experience a sense of spiritual liberation where all there is is Infinite Joy, Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Goodness. We feel free of ourselves, free from all desire, all stress, all worry. When we can tap into this level of reality, everything changes.

The first technique of just giving yourself to a mantra or meditation technique sounds quite easy but there is one important part I do not mention and that is Shakti. Shakti how I use the word is the energy of spiritual enlightenment, the presence of an enlightened master that radiates Kundalini Shakti.

I offer this enlightened presence in 2 ways.

One is through my free online satsangs that you are most welcome to join.

And two is my meditation music that actually transmits this enlightened presence. Just by listening to this music while practicing a meditation technique, you experience peace and bliss much easier than doing it on your own.

On your own it can feel impossible to get to any real feeling of bliss. But by listening to this Shakti Music, you begin to open into profound states of peace and joy. Thousands meditate to this music all over the world and experience bliss.

You can learn more about this Shakti Music and hear free samples by clicking on the links to the Shakti Albums below:

adiance Shakti CDs:

Pure Shakti Meditation CDs:

Shakti Silence:

Infinite Sky Shakti Meditation Music:

The Calling Shakti CDs:

Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace

Visit me on facebook here

If you would like to join my free Online Shakti Meditations

Thanks for watching!

Much love,

Kip Mazuy

spiritual liberation,bhakti,detachment,spiritual enlightenment,kundalini shakti,spiritual awakening,no-self,enlightened master,enlightened,devotion,meditation,meditation technique,mantra meditation,mantra,enlightened presence,

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