
Withdraw Consent - The United States Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation

Withdraw Consent - The United States Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation Part of video series "Withdraw of Consent" based on the article "Withdraw of Consent - A Government of Fraud & Deception". The information contained herein is dedicated to the future of MAN.

See complete video series "Withdraw of Consent" here:

See original source document here:

and more at

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Channel Truth2LoveInsideYou

Twitter WokeUp4U @Love2Truth

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Illusion,United States,united States of American,Legal system,Fraud,US Citizen,Vatican,Word Government,Global Control,Central Banking,Deception,Wake Up,Slave,Sheeple,Salvation,One True God,Spiritual,Awakening,Legal Fiction,America,Goverment,IRS,Tresury,New World Order,Property,Law,Legal,Lawful,Congress,Civil War,Constition,Independence,American Illusion,Founding Fathers,Federalist,Trickery,Rights,Repulican,Democrat,WakeUp,Corporation,United Nations,Treason,

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