
These are KEY PROCESSING'S to Take Yourselves FURTHER than You May have EVER gone Before!!

These are KEY PROCESSING'S to Take Yourselves FURTHER than You May have EVER gone Before!! The True TWIN FLAME COLLECTIVE of Energies here!!
These TRUE "Stepping Stones" ARE HERE (for the EACH OF YOU) "To Gain ACCESS" to Your Own TRUE SELVES SOULS Within!! And then, TO REACH On Out "EVEN further" (to & Through) YOUR OWN "True Interior Guidance SYSTEMS Within";
Sooo WAIT "No further", FOR THE EACH OF YOU "Do Deserve" to HAVE IT ALL... (And SO WHY Would You "ACCEPT" Anything LESS THAN THAT here.!) FOR TODAY & for Always...

Hey everybody, welcome to the channel... "DIVINE BLISS, TWIN FLAME UNION"... where we talk about upcoming events as it relates to TCS of materials; (which just means, that as we do discuss The Creation Series of materials, or in how they do relate to our own true lives here in accordance to the "twin flame journey"... or in accordance to the energies that surround the (true twin flame counterparts) in how each of these "divinely channeled messages and/or passageways of light-forms" do affect the one or the other of you's...
and that just means, that AS WE EACH do go through all of these materials and we each DO MULL UPON THEM, (to take them on from within us and to dwell upon them)... and to then, DISCERN FROM THERE as to what/whom is right and true for us here; well then, that is where we are then "shown to be" from deep within us (as to what/whom is right and true for us)... "and no one else"...
because of course, (as you will all learn here), "that nothing/none of this" has anything to do with anyone else here... (in how it does relate to us here, "in and of this, or from within this all here"); "these unique sets of circumstances that the each of us do go down upon only to come back forward from within FOR MORE AND MORE, AND MORE THEN..."

** SO COME FORTH Now, And DO REACH WITHIN FOR MORE here... by "ACCESSing" Your Own True Selves Souls here, (by WAYS of Your Own TRUE HIGHWAYS WITHIN); And Go to, THE CREATION SERIES OF MATERIALS and just "Do SEE" (If You Yourself) ARE NOT THEN, "Garnered to"... OR SHOWN TO BE, "From Deep Within You" AS TO WHAT (IS) More here FOR YOU; (to Come forward As Both MORE and Now "Equal to"... WHAT YOU NOW, CAME HERE TO BE "AS").!
Join US Now @
to Learn MORE About: THE CREATION SERIES of Materials & The Magic Manifestor Magician's Tribe!!

And If You Are FEELING "Assured" to DONATE to the Channel, Please Do So here; THANK YOU in Advance:

Hi, I am Shannon Lynn (Yung) and I have been a Divine Channel here Now for the Past 15 years; this YouTube Channel is FAIRLY New to the TEACHINGS of The Creation Series of Materials in which have Come through Me for ALL of You (Over the Past 15 Years of LIVING ALL of These True MATERIALS here As Well... So I CAN ASSURE YOU, that These ARE Very Much REAL & True Information/GUIDANCE for the Each and the ALL of Us; Since MY Own Life has CHANGED Tremendously BECAUSE of Them/ALL OF THE MATERIALS Contained Within!!

Besides that, I too Am A Sylvia Browne Board Certified Spiritual Hypnotherapist and Channel Who has ALSO been CHANNELING Scripts & Audio's for My Profession OVER the Past 11 years Now or so... So I WELCOME YOU ALL to THE CREATION SERIES OF MATERIALS & MY/OUR CHANNEL HERE and Ask that You Do COME ON Forward Into MORE here (from DEEP Within You) AS YOU DO So "FEEL" Guided to!!

Blessings, Light & MUCH Love to ALL... ~ The Angels/Your Angelic Guides via Shannon Lynn, Spiritual Channel for The Mother Goddess and Her Special Band of Angelic Helpers from Within the Kingdom of the Heavens!!

angels,divine,angelic,readings,channeling,channeled,intervention,the creation series,twin flame mastery,self mastery,twin flames,twin flame collective,mother god,mother goddess,spiritual guides,spirit guides,divine helpers,

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