
The Most Safe and Secure Business NAS of 2019

The Most Safe and Secure Business NAS of 2019 Top 3 Safest and Most Secure NAS of the Year

Data is precious. This is pretty much an understood fact and whether it is your personal photos, your movie collection, your audio collection, business data or backups, the majority of data is important in some way. One of the biggest reasons that companies make the switch from 3rd party cloud services to NAS drives (other than the long term cost) is because of data safety. You do not have to look very hard to find out that data breaches and cloud server hacks are becoming increasingly common and when the interloper has access, they can delete, steal or random you for your data with relative ease. But hacking is jsut one of the ways your data is vulnerable in 2019 and 2020. Between this, hardware failure and even environment issues like flooding and fire, even most NAS devices are not equipped to tackle all the less documented and extreme means of permanent data loss. Sure, all NAS systems have RAID protection, network backup software, cloud backup support and USB support, but only a rare few have that EXTRA level of security and protection. Today I want to talk about the best 3 NAS for safety and security. These 3 NAS systems are designed with protection from those three most extreme causes of data loss this year and if you are looking for that extra step in data protection, these will certainly be worth your time.

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