Sejalji sharing miraculous life changing experience in her physical and emotional health after participating in the Sound Therapy & Navel Activation workshop!
Her migraine pain disappeared after DNA Activation Meditation.
This type of radical shift happens because the workshop directly works on the root cause of cleansing the stuck DNA Patterns & clearing stuck Energies in Navel!
After Navel Activation one learns to anchor himself and can shake off disturbances of the body-mind and alternately release himself from the negative ego and return to the deeper power of the “original being”, where the will is silent, the heart is quiet; and one accomplishes his work naturally without effort.
Join us in the next Navel Activation and Sound Therapy Masterclass with Ayurveda.
Mumbai : 20-21-22 December, 2019
To participate and avail early bird offer, call us on 8080808455
About Siddha Master & Nada Yogi Rivesh Vade -
• Empowered by Nada Yoga and immersed in devotion, Nada Yogi Rivesh Vade has carved his path to the Inner Self and continues to help people in their spiritual well-being. He is a pioneer in sharing the ancient art of Sound Therapy in India. Rivesh has helped many people recuperate from their physical, mental, and emotional turmoil by harnessing the power of sound therapy.
• With Rivesh propounding the philosophy of ‘Synergy and Flow’ with the universe, his unique workshops on DNA and Navel Activation, Spiritual Discourses on Gita & Dnyaneshwari and Yogic Practices derived from them have positively transformed many lives. He has been awarded by the Times Group for his exceptional work in Music and Sound Therapy.
About Wellness Vibe -
• Wellness Vibe conducts workshops & retreats across the world on where we work on removing patterns, fears and stuck emotions using the ancient esoteric practices and correct sound frequencies. This empowers the participants with methods and abilities to remove all road blocks and attain peace, prosperity and success. After attending to our workshops, many people have seen a dramatic shift in their consciousness, career, finance, relationship, health and many other aspects of life.
Connect with Wellness Vibe -
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#navelactivation #riveshvade #emotions #dnaactivation #siddhayoga #nadayoga #soundhealing #mumbaievent #health #wellness #yoga #guthealth #awakening #success #relationship #healyourself #relationshipgoals #love #seminar #workshop #transformation #kundalini #mentalhealth #wellnessvibe
Lots of love and success to you.
Thank You.