
Learning How to Not Die Skiing | 4-Year-Old Skis for the First Time

Learning How to Not Die Skiing | 4-Year-Old Skis for the First Time We did a thing. We bought a bunch of secondhand skis. None of us had ever downhill skied before. We were looking for something we could do to make us look forward to winters in Utah and I think we found it!

I took each of the kids one at a time. Took the oldest first (9 years old). Figured he'd take the least help, which was generally true, though I was amazed how quickly our 6-year-old and 4-year-old picked it up, too. They scooter and skateboard a lot, so I think that helped with their balance. I can kinda skateboard and snowboard, so that helped me, but I still biffed it as many times as any of them. They struggled most with the tow cable going up, but once they figured that out, they were solid on it. Going down, they were mostly okay once they figured out how to make a "pizza" with their skis or "snow plow", though the youngest had a habit of drifting to the left--where the metal tow cable was. The cable happens to be at his neck height and there was at least one time where I though he might decapitate himself, but thankfully he laid down in the nick of time. Now, he knows how to turn right. Phew.

This video is a compilation of each of our first times skiing, including my wife's first time skiing, as well as yesterday's trip with all three of the kids to see how that would go. We went to the bunny hill at Sundance each time (only a 15-20 minute drive), so it's super convenient. The staff there are super awesome and helpful.

Not caught on camera...

There is a steep hike up to the bunny hill. Somehow, my 4-year-old barreled down it at the end of his first time skiing and managed not to fall. It was crazy.

At the end of the steep part, there was an icy patch just before the walking path. Yesterday, our 9-year-old hit it and wound up will a low-velocity tree collision to the groin. I didn't see it, but I heard it and turned and looked to see him straddling a small tree with his legs. He was okay, but it was more than kinda hilarious.

Wish we had picked up this hobby years ago. I think my favorite part is the runners' (or skiers') high that the kids all have after. On the drive home, their banter is super entertaining. I asked who had the most fun, they all said, "I did! I did!" Then I asked who had the worst crash and they all said, "I did! I did!" Can't wait to ski again!


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