Important questions in work and energy toipc are based on static calculation of work, kinetic energy, potential energy and graphical analysis. In most of questions combined applications of newton's laws and work energy theorem are also asked and in problems based on such situations free body diagram as well as equation of work energy theorem both concepts are to be applied. Concepts of friction and NLM are very useful in solving questions based on work energy theorem. Questions based on power are asked in two categories - one is for calculation of average power and other on instantaneous power.
Concept of equilibrium related to potential energy of force field is also very useful in understanding this chapter as in many books students miss out the details of stable equilibrium, unstable equilibrium and neutral equilibrium. Relation of force as gradient of potential energy is used in determining the state of equilibrium using the potential energy graphs. Watch this checklist video to build your concept strength of this chapter to next level.
Ashish Arora sir is covering all types of questions expected for jee main 2020 and neet 2020 for the topic of work energy and power just about 45 minutes.
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