
From the Mundane to the Magnificent geek out (Part 2) !!!

From the Mundane to the Magnificent geek out  (Part 2) !!! This video is the second part of the discussion about the book From the Mundane to the Magnificent by Vera Stanley Alder. The book is a must read for anyone interested in anything really, but specifically in views about the meaning of life and why we might all be here. It is an autobiographical account of a journey that Vera had were she was taking to the absolute Macro to the absolute micro of our universe and also got to see the inner workings of the other realms at play, from the etheric, astral and fairyland and dream state.

This discussion is about how the physical, etheric and astral work together. Raphael talks about how humans are all poisoned and living half as long as we should because we were designed to be on the fruitarian diet like Gorillas and meat poisons our judgments. Vera explores her past lives and Raphael tells her of the future Earth he foresees coming to pass.

You can purchase the book here directly from the current publisher, seeing as it is often not available on Amazon:

Vera Stanley Alder,From the Mundane to the Magnificent,Past lives,the hierarchy,Spritual,fruitarian diet,vegetarian,meditation,universe,alternate reality,reincarnation,third eye,chakra systems,vegetarianism,psychic phenomena,

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