Each day is dedicated to one type of dice, splitting it all into small nuggets of knowledge, each containing one piece of a larger puzzle. It’s all meant as a bit of fun, but also, we as designers need to deeply understand each and every tool in our toolbox. Even the most fundamental game design elements, such as an individual die, can be dissected and understood. This can be seen as game design tutorials on specific game design elements for beginners and experts, a bit of amusement, or it can be seen as a way to improve your knowledge for your own future creative use. After all, most of us are creative geeks in one form or another.
While we focus on individual dice and randomization methods, the knowledge can be applied to any type of game you are designing: board games, computer games, consoles, mobile phone games (in public or otherwise), live action role play (larp), role playing games (rpg), and so on.