There's still a lot of changes I want to make to myself, my content, etc, but I intend for everything to be uphill from here. A part of me still kind of can't believe that my videos consistently surpass 50,000 views, and even 100,000. Thanks a million, y'all.
And we've actually managed to almost reach our 50,000 subscriber goal by the end of the year! I didn't think it was possible. Looking back, I recall how one of my New Year's resolutions last year was to reach 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. It's crazy, man.
Well, enough reminiscing, stay casual, and I'll see y'all during any of my streams!
Music used:
Aboda Village (TLoZ: Spirit Tracks):
And El Mariachi (MOTHER 3):
Like A Dream Come True (Persona 4):
Hyrule Field (TLoZ: A Link Between Worlds):
Cloud Tops (TLoZ: The Minish Cap):
Twitch: twitch.tv/pkbeats
Email: PsychoKineticBeats@gmail.com
Stay casual
Thanks to all of my channel members:
- Vinnie124578
- PhloxTv
- Trev 8
- Burbo Banana
- Aizeque
- Solaire of Astora
- Tyrannosaurus Chexmix
- Not Connor Bailey
- Christian Gehler
- Alex Morales
- CozyMane
- Mag Gameplays Caseiras
- RealGamerHours.MP4
- Midnight
#SmashUltimate #SmashBros #NintendoSwitch