
10 Incredible Friendships You Won't Believe Exist | Friendship With Animals

10 Incredible Friendships You Won't Believe Exist | Friendship With Animals Discover these incredible friendships, human - animals friendships that you won't believe exist.


My Friend Christian, The Lion
An incredible story of a wild animal and two human beings. The Australian John Rendall and Ace Bourke arrive to London and find in the Harrods department store, a beautiful lion cub, that they fell in love with immediately.

My great friend Snowflake, the duck.
It was chemistry at first sight and not everyone can experience that. This is the story of kylie Brown and Snowflake, the duck, two friends that always go everywhere together.

My great friend Rambo, the alligator
If you think you've seen everything, I recommend you to reconsider it because this will surprise you!!! And now, I introduce you to Rambo, the alligator who is treated like another son.

Joao and Dindim, The Penguin
A friendship that touched more than one, full of love, faithfulness and happiness. I introduce you to Dindim, a Magellanic penguin that swims 5 thousand miles once a year to reunited with Joao, the man who saved his life and lives in an island village just outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Gabi and her friends the crows
I know when you hear “crows” you picture this. This scene belongs to the movie “The Birds” - by Alfred Hitchcock - which scared a whole generation. But this time, I’m bringing something special and very adorable!

Emma and Cinnamon
It´s impossible to resist so much sweetness!!! This friendship is able to melt your heart making you release an "ooowww" of such tenderness.

Nick Boing, a fluffy friend
Clear the way because it´s time to introduce the softest and fluffiest friend, I´m talking about Nick Boing, a sweet little sheep that cannot resist eating the cookies that come in the cans.

Mike and Kyle, inseparable friends
It´s true when people say that there is no way of knowing what your soulmate or the love of your life will be look like. This is what Mike Jivanjee lived as he never thought that his soulmate was going to be a feathered.

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