the reason why I created a second YouTube channel in the shortest sweetest possible way I can put it is: I want to explore other ideas and video Concepts than on my 1st Channel. (Black Vito Moneyology:
My first channel talked mostly about money, business, finance, tax "loopholes", economics, accounting Uber and Lyft and stuff like that. but on this channel I want to make different types of videos and talk about different things that I like to talk about outside the above-mentioned topics.
I also would like to probably get into film and walk and perhaps one day do short films on this channel and since I like wrapping maybe I'll do some freestyles from time time.
Also if I want to cuss I'm going to cuss on channel.. the other channel Try not to cuss but on this channel I'm going cuss all I want
#beingaYouTuber #youtubemoney #contentcreator #whyistartedayoutubechannel #shouldyoustartayoutubechannel