Eric Bakker here. We're back with Naturopath, all the way from New Zealand. Thanks for tuning in.
Why do big people, larger people always seem to have gut problems? Have you noticed this? Well, I have, it's my job. That's what I do. I talk to people all the time about bowels, about stool, about what they eat, about how they sleep and all these kinds of things. I've done this for so long now that I've absolutely 100% seen a relationship with very poor gut function and large people, particularly obese people.
I sat next to a lady coming back once on the airplane from Los Angeles, and I only fly cattle class like everyone else does, can't see the need to spend money just to have a shiny fork or stuff like that. But I was trapped. I sat on the window seat and I had a lady sitting next to me that was huge. In fact, half her butt was hanging over in my seat. And I'll tell you what, I sat there and it was awful. It was burping, farting, the whole way back. And the woman had two meals and it was gross. I've got nothing against big people. I love big people. And, yeah, I've still got many friends who are quite big and that. But what really annoyed me was the sheer quantity of food she was eating and the constant burping, bloating and farting. It was constant.
It was my fault. I should have asked to be reseated. But I sat there, and I sat there looking at this person thinking, I felt really sorry for her because she's trapped in this body and in this cycle of constantly eating and you could see it. She was also drinking all this fizzy stuff all the time and it's just not right. Bigger people have got this huge big pocket of bacteria here that are screaming out constantly for this crap food, right? So once you've built a large body frame, you tend to have a large stomach, you tend to fill that stomach up and you're not to fill it up usually with fresh caught salmon and steamed broccoli, are you? Usually, you're going to have pizzas and burgers and fries and stuff like that.
Now, you may be sitting there yourself, a bigger person, saying, "Eric, you're wrong. I'm a large person and I eat the best food." Well you, okay, I will buy that, but you are not the majority, okay. The majority of larger people have built up this large frame because of the quantity of food they eat and the type of food that they eat, right?
Now, a really would trick, as I've always mentioned, is to get a smaller plate and to just start chipping away at smaller portion sizes over time. Bigger people have got big tummies, which means they've got large appetites and they've built that up over time. No different from a guy who builds up a bicep going to the gym, he's going to build and eventually he's got a massive bicep because he's been working on that.
So once you get that situation going, the bacteria start behaving really badly, right? They start creating mood problems for you. They make sure that you're tired all the time, you want to sit down a lot. They also make sure that you start feeling anxious and depressed. So all these terrible situations occur as you get increasingly unwell, you get more blood pressure, and I don't need to go on about all of the issues surrounding weight. But the point
So I always urge people, larger people, if they want to lose weight to clean up the gut first, assess what they've got there. Now this can be done while you're in a transitory phase of your diet. So I really don't like cold turkey diets. I've mentioned this before. I don't like people just completely stopping what they're doing and starting a whole new diet and turning around on a dime. It doesn't work like that, all right. You're going to end up breaking out of that and just eating like crazy. Slow, slow, slow, slow, slow. It's like an old geezer like me going back into the gym.
I used to love going to the gym, and that's what I've started doing again. But easy, easy, easy, easy. The older you are, the slower you need to go back into it, all right. I've never met a large person that can't, if their mind is set to it, lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off, all right, and it's definitely possible. But think about the gut first and make those changes. If you've got bloating, burping, farting, constipation, diarrhea, this needs fixing up, all right. Try and work on that problem as you're making the diet change, because if you just make the diet change and forgo the gut, it's going to being significantly harder for you to turn the ship around, all right.
Well, that's all there is to it. Click on the link below if you want my free weight loss report. Thanks for tuning in as usual.