
This is not OK. Dietitian Abbey Sharp Teaches You How To Endanger Your Baby | Freelee responds

This is not OK. Dietitian Abbey Sharp Teaches You How To Endanger Your Baby | Freelee responds In today’s video Freelee The Banana Girl responds to Dietitian Abbey Sharp. Abbey is teaching other mother's how to endanger their babies via her Baby Led Weaning (BLW). Freelee discusses the terrible diet she is force-feeding her baby. Freelee also talks about Abbey Sharp criticising the "unnatural vegan" Diet Ellen Fisher feeds her baby and how it is ultimately deficient. Ironically. Dietitian Abbey Sharp has no problem taking money from the meat, dairy and egg industry to promote dangerous cruel food to her young viewers, yes even class one carcinogens like processed meats. If you are uninformed about Abbey Sharp’s conduct then go and watch Freelee’s first video “Dietitian Abbey Sharp the wolfe in sheeps clothing”. Watch to the end of this video where Freelee shows a private message from Abbey Sharp.

If you sick, tired and fat and... sick and tired of it… then you’ve come to the right place. The Raw Till 4 Diet Lifestyle will keep you lean and healthy for life. Freelee Banana Girl has lost 40lbs on this lifestyle and healed her ill health. Check out Freelee’s weight loss bundle and blog at:

So as we know Abbey jumps on anything trending for clicks and dollars. And unsurprisingly she latched onto another trending term #babyledweaning . Freelee discovered her baby led weaning posts on Instagram and nearly choked on her banana.

Freelee exams 3 plates. She explains why it’s shocking that Abbey is feeding her baby tuna (and fish in general). The research shows us that infants eating tuna have an increased risk of brain growth issues and neurological problems as adults. There is no safe level of mercury in the body.
Tuna consumption risk for infants
Mercury risk infants

Onto the chicken Leg. There are a lot of reasons not to eat chickens but one reason stands out in particular for infants and their delicate digestive systems - the salmonella risk.

Regarding the red meat from a cow: Atherosclerosis begins in childhood as deposits of cholesterol and its esters, referred to as fatty streaks, in the intima of large muscular arteries.

Freelee shows a plate with 600 calories coming from animal products and more than half of it being fat, around 20 grams of saturated animal fat, including trans fats. Freelee’s question to abbey sharp is: Are you trying to give your child heart disease? Make him obese? Shorten his life? Because Abbey is doing everything right if that’s her goal.

Abbey is registered in Canada but her sons plate looks nothing like Canadas healthy food plate.
Abbey sharp is clearly obsessed with high protein foods and this is reflected in her sons plate. In this one meal baby E is getting around 29 % protein (basically all animal protein), a tiny 17% carbs and around 55% fat. 208 milligrams of cholesterol. And that chedder cheese – Not healthy and especially cruel to mother cows. Furthering the misconception that humans must participate in interspecies breast-feeding.

Abbey even makes “Keto friendly” baby breakfast recipes. This is disturbing since a humans glucose requirements peak during childhood and reach approximately twice that of the adult brain. So, with such a low carb intake she is risking putting her baby into a state of ketosis.

Abbey harps on about fiber being important when she criticises Ellen Fishers baby’s diet but gets a big F for fail on her own babies fiber-deficient diet. Animal products HAVE zero fiber, zip, zilch, nudda. The fact is the science shows that insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables in childhood increases the risk of future chronic diseases:

Abbey sharp talks extensively about letting her baby choose what he eats and how much yet she goes directly against that "intuitive eating" philosophy and diligently restricts the healthiest solid food for babies – fruit.

Follow the plant based doctor on instagram as he allows his son to chow down on as much fruit as he wants!

Human milk has the lowest concentration of protein of any mammalian species.


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dietitian,baby led weaning,abbey sharp,keto,vegan,registered dietitian,

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