Ocean SoftWash Follows All Roof-Shingle Manufactures Guidelines For Safe Roof Cleaning!
Here in the Fraser Valley, most of the discoloration and buildup on your roof comes from organisms such as moss, algae, mold, mildew, and lichen—all living, organic bacteria. Our treatment options are safest for your roof. The treatment is not only highly effective for your roof and various other exterior surfaces, its also totally safe and environmentally sound. In fact, this process is recommended as the most desirable cleaning solution by ARMA (Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association). We use science instead of destructive cleaning and pressure to give you a 100% kill ratio on the mold, mildew and bacteria damaging and deteriorating your roof.
Ocean SoftWash has been awarded participation in SoftWash Systems™ 5-Year warranty program on roof cleanings. The chemicals used in SoftWash Systems™ roof cleaning have been tested in a major roof manufacturer’s laboratory and have been in use for over 25 years. SoftWash Systems™ equipment and chemicals have been used Canada, USA and UK