
Reviewing the 'Shepherd' Book (1|3) with ExJW Fifth - Judicial Chapters

Reviewing the 'Shepherd' Book (1|3) with ExJW Fifth - Judicial Chapters In the first of a three-part series of special livestreams, ExJW Fifth (Cliff Henderson) joins me to discuss the judicial material found in the latest edition of the 2019 "Shepherd the Flock of God" elder's manual, which regular Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden from reading.

Chapters reviewed:
12 - Determining Whether a Judicial Committee Should Be Formed (3:52)
13 - Pornography (1:29:50)
15 - Preparing for Judicial Hearings (1:33:20)
16 - Procedure for Judicial Hearings (1:47:29)
17 - Appeal Hearings (2:07:25)
18 - Disassociations (2:20:15)
19 - Reinstatements (2:35:45)

You can download the latest copy of the "Shepherd" book on this link:

Please check out Cliff's channel!

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