
My Bf Found Out What I Did To His Son And Deleted Me From His Life

My Bf Found Out What I Did To His Son And Deleted Me From His Life Hey, guys. My name is Lisa. I want to tell you about how I learned an important lesson in my life. Always discuss your problems with your loved ones. I mean what I'm saying. Because I've been keeping my secret for so long, that I've lost someone I love, and I've lost something I can never get back.

I'm 23 years old, and I've been in a serious relationship with my boyfriend for several years. His name is Brian, and we met in college. He was a year older than me, and he was one of those "cool" guys. I was lucky he even noticed me. You know, this is the type of guy with huge ambitions and life plans. While studying in college, he already found a prestigious job, earned good money, and dreamed of conquering the world. I was happy to be with this type of person. But to be honest, sometimes I was afraid that he might leave me for his career. It's just that in our relationship, he was often faced with a choice between me and work. And every time, I was afraid that I wouldn't be the favorite in this race. But despite this, I loved him very much. He was a dreamer, and he infected me with his enthusiasm. When I was with him, I wanted to conquer the world and become its queen too. Soon Brian graduated from college, and we started renting an apartment and living together. He began to work twice as hard, and I tried to make his life a little easier. I supported him in everything he did, and tried to help. I believed in him, and I knew that soon everything would work out, and our life would reach a new level. And then it happened.

One day he came home from work and he had big news. I say «big» because I didn't know how to feel about it. The news was neither good nor bad. He said he had an opportunity to do an internship in Britain. And if he did well there, he would be given his dream job. But the fact was that the internship did not just last a month or two, he would have to leave for a whole year. Plus, I couldn't go with him because I had to finish school. So we discussed this issue for a long time. I couldn't stop him from going to Britain. How could I ruin his dream? We would probably break up after that, and he would leave anyway. So here's what we decided. He would go do his internship, and he would fight for the job. And one year later, when I graduated from college, I'd fly to him and we'd live together again. We loved each other, and we believed that we could last a year in a long-distance relationship. We had a month before Brian left, and we decided to have a good time. We spent nights and days together, partying and hanging out. We savored every second of the time we had left together before he left. Unfortunately, this month passed way too quickly, and it was time to say goodbye. I swear, I've never been so sad as when I saw him off at the airport, and I knew that I wouldn`t see him for at least a year. I cried, and he was trying to calm me down, and told me to be strong, because we had a great future ahead of us, and no weaknesses could hinder us on the way to our success. So he flew away. And I looked at the departing planes for a long time, and dreamed that, in a year, I would also be at the airport waiting for my flight, which would take me to my loved one.

At first, the long-distance relationship went well. We talked on the phone every day, Brian was telling me about his work, asking about my life. I had hopes that this year would pass quickly. But I was wrong. Soon a lot of work fell on Brian's shoulders, and he began to call me less often. Plus, I was starting to feel bad. I had no appetite and I was getting sick really often. I thought it was stress, but then I went to the doctor and his diagnosis shocked me. He said I needed a pregnancy test. And when I took it, it was positive. Oh my God. I didn't expect this at all, and I didn't understand how it could have happened. This wasn't good news.

I just didn't know what to do. I spent a whole week trying to figure out my next step. Should I tell Brian? And then what? I was afraid he'd be upset by this news. We had huge plans. His future plans that nothing should stop us on the way to success were stuck in my head. If I told him I was pregnant, at best, he'd have to quit his internship and come home. And he might forget about his successful life and his cool job. I didn't want to feel guilty all my life for ruining his dreams. Worst case, he'd leave me for his career, and I'd be alone. Those thoughts put me out of my life for a couple of weeks. I was worried and scared. I delayed making the choice for as long as I could.

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