
Introducing the Just One Yes Campaign

Introducing the Just One Yes Campaign Bishop Michael F. Burbidge releases a special video message as the Catholic Diocese of Arlington launches the Just One Yes Campaign this Advent and Christmas season.

Here is the text of his message:

Mary of Nazareth changed the world forever when she offered her simple “yes” to the angel Gabriel and agreed to give birth to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Because of her “yes,” God entered our world, died for our sins, and opened wide the gates of heaven. In humble acknowledgment of the power of just one “yes,” for the Advent and Christmas seasons, we are launching the Just One Yes campaign to encourage everyone in the Diocese to increase their connect to God through prayer, service of others, and self-sacrifice. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, your one yes will transform the world by turning darkness to light, division to unity, and chaos to peace.

There are so many ways to “just say yes” to God. Each time you pray an Act of Contrition, a Rosary, or your favorite prayer, you chose Just One Yes that brings you closer to God. Each time you teach a child or a friend about Christ and His Church, you have said “yes” to God.

Whenever you spend time with the Lord before the Blessed Sacrament, you have said “yes”. The same can be said each time you donate food to the poor, bring clothing to the homeless, or offer up a personal suffering. Thinking about, and then choosing just one yes, draws you deeper into the heart of Christ who rejoices in our company.

Each action, each “yes” to God, no matter how small, is a profound sign of devotion and humble acknowledgment of how much we need Our Lord to be in our lives. Once you say “yes” to God once, you will want to say “yes” many times over. Let us join together and commit to prayer, service and self-sacrifice during the Advent and Christmas seasons this year.

Go to to participate.

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