NY Medical Malpractice & Personal Injury Lawyer Gerry Oginski Explains
Email: Gerry@Oginski-Law.com
The opposing attorney is a real jerk.
He's obnoxious.
He's nasty.
He doesn't have a nice bone in his body.
I know it.
My client knows it.
The judge knows it.
The jury knows it.
It's obvious.
The defense lawyer doesn't care.
He doesn't care what any of us think.
He thinks he's representing his client to the best of his abilities.
He's just not a nice person.
During his closing arguments he makes fun of my witnesses.
He criticizes them.
He makes fun of their appearances.
He spends a lot of time avoiding the facts of your case.
He spends more time focusing on things that are not important in your case.
I know why.
It's because he wants to divert the jury's attention.
He doesn't want them focusing on the real issues.
He knows we have a stronger case on the facts than he does.
He's using diversionary tactics.
But let's get back to the title of this video...
When I get up to make my closing arguments, can I go ahead and RIDICULE the defense attorney for being such a jerk?
Can I spend my precious time pointing out what a schmuck this opponent is?
The short answer is I could, but why would I waste my time doing that?
If I know my opponent is a moron, the judge and jury will surely know it as well.
It will be obvious.
Do I really need to divert the jury's attention from our set of facts, like the defense did?
I think not.
There are better strategies to have the jury focus on what's important.
Watch the video to learn more...
If you have legal questions and your matter happened here in New York and you're thinking about bringing a lawsuit, I invite you to pick up the phone and call me at 516-487-8207 or by email at Gerry@Oginski-Law.com. This is what I do every day and I'd be happy to chat with you.
Law Office of Gerald Oginski
35 South Drive
Great Neck, NY 11021
Email: Gerry@Oginski-Law.com