MGS4 fixed build with hack to limit spurs urgent commands to avoid audio hang
Great credit to rajkosto and ZEROx
i9 9900K , GTX 1080 ,2160P ,60FPS
Traditional Chinese Language Cinematic Subtitle Patched
RPCS3 v0.0.7-8666-3d66fe37 Alpha(ZEROx custom build)
PPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
Lib Loader: Load liblv2.sprx only
Sleep timers accuracy: All
Disable ZCull Occlusion Queries: true
SPU Block Size: Safe
SPU Cache: true
Enable TSX: Enabled
Enable thread scheduler: false
Lower SPU thread priority: false
Enable Audio Buffering: true
Time Stretching Threshold: 75
Renderer: Vulkan
Multithreaded RSX: false
MSAA: Disabled
Resolution Scale: 200
Frame limit: Off
VBlank Rate:480
NPUB31633/METAL GEAR SOLID 4/Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots