
Ideals Versus Commandments

Ideals Versus Commandments There is a very dangerous and erroneous thought that has crept into Catholic moral theology in the last few decades. It seems that some Catholic moralists…even so-called conservative ones…are telling us that the Commandments of God are essentially only ideals that must be adjusted and adapted for modern man in his concrete circumstances. In other words, the Commandments are no longer the objective, universal moral law that all are bound to follow, but rather a set of high expectations that many will fall short of meeting. One such theologian stated that ideally the marital act would always be open to life and would avoid the contraceptive mentality, but that such an ideal could not be expected of all married couples. Not surprisingly, this same Catholic priest and thinker suggested that we could daringly hope that hell was empty of any human occupants. When Commandments become ideals that not all are bound to, then sin and hell begin to disappear. In response to that problematic papal document known as, Amoris Laetitia, another theologian and bishop suggested that life long marriage was certainly a good goal…a high ideal…but not a norm that all can meet due to their circumstances. This bishop’s statement was anything but The Word on Fire, but rather a dangerous statement that could lead some into the fires of hell. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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catholic,christian,god,jesus christ,holiness,salvation,ten commandments,john the baptist,beheaded,marriage,matrimony,pope francis,bishop barron,gospel,martyr,sacrifice,annulments,divorce,church,amoris laetitia,

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