Cesarean delivery: Surgical technique - Dr . Sudhir Gupta
Professor ( Obstetrics & Gynaecology) B R D Medical College , Gorakhpur ( UP ) ,India
A c-section is a type of surgery used for having a baby . If you have a c-section, you will be given anesthesia so that you won't feel pain. Then the doctor will make an incision in your belly and remove the baby from your uterus. About 1 in 3 babies in the United States is born this way. Most babies come out of their mother's vagina. This is called "vaginal delivery." C-sections are also called "cesarean deliveries."
Will I know in advance if I need a c-section?
You might. The most common reasons women have a cesarean delivery before they go into labor are:
●The mother had a baby by cesarean in the past
●The baby is not coming out head first
●The baby is very large
●The mother has an infection, such as herpes or HIV. These can spread to the baby during a vaginal birth.
●The mother has a condition called "placenta previa." The placenta is the organ that brings the baby nutrients and oxygen and carries away waste. In placenta previa, this organ blocks the way to the vagina.
●The baby has a problem, and the doctor believes labor and vaginal delivery might not be safe because of it.
Some women choose to have cesareans even if they don't need to. You should talk to your doctor if you think you want to have your baby this way. Surgery brings real risks.
When should planned c-sections happen?
In most cases, you should wait until the 39th week of pregnancy or later. (A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks.)
Why do some women end up having c-sections after labor begins?
A common reason is that labor doesn't move along like it should. This can happen if:
●Contractions (the tightening of the uterus that happens during labor) are not strong enough to get the baby out
●The baby is too big
●The mother's pelvis is too small (the pelvis is the set of bones around your hips and vagina)
●The baby is in an odd position, like the head is sideways or chin-first
Other reasons that c-sections are done are:
●The baby's life is in danger; for example, because its heart rate is too slow.
●The mother's life is in danger; for example, because she is bleeding too much.
c section procedure