
✅ Bette Midler Says People Should 'Be More Grateful for the Neighbor' Who Assaulted Rand Paul

✅  Bette Midler Says People Should 'Be More Grateful for the Neighbor' Who Assaulted Rand Paul 💖 Please Visit:
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✍  Remind us again: Who are the tolerant people in American politics?  Singer, actress and offensively outspoken liberal Bette Midler brought a new urgency to that question with a tweet Wednesday that openly praised the man who assaulted Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul in a neighborhood dispute in 2017.  From her post — which was published Wednesday night but apparently deleted Thursday morning — Midler obviously disagrees with Paul’s take on President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria, which opened the door for a Turkish military incursion against Kurdish groups that had fought with the United States against the Islamic State group.  Paul supports Trump, and in a podcast on Wednesday, he even called the Kurds “ingrates” for their treatment of U.S. troops after Trump’s decision was announced, according to ABC News.  Reasonable people can disagree with Trump’s decision, which stunned many of even Trump’s biggest backers.  Some leaders in the conservative movem ...


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