In this video I give 37 tips to Jr. Software Engineers. Everything from getting job interviews, interacting with teammates, what language to choose, remote work, contracting, and so much more.
If you have more thoughts on any of these pieces of advice, leave a comment and lets have a discussion!
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If you'd like access to my entire library of source code (always updated for the latest versions of Swift and Xcode), I make that available for a specific level of Patreon membership here:
Link to my book - How I Became an iOS Developer:
Books, Hoodies & Goodies:
Check out my podcast, iOS Dev Discussions:
Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift and I have a podcast called Swift Over Coffee:
I stream iOS and gaming content on Twitch:
Book and learning recommendations that help out the channel if you decide to purchase (Affiliate Links):
Ray Wenderlich Books:
Ray Wenderlich Videos:
Paul Hudson's Hacking With Swift:
Learn Advanced Swift Here:
Links to my iOS Dev Setup & iOS Dev Book Recommendations
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