Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Tiny Blue Games! In today's video, we talk about the launch of WOW Classic. We take a look at the characters I created and the names I got. Then we embark on our initial journey through the old school MMO!
After much debate, I ended up deciding to main a mage as my first charact and made a Rogue and Warlock as my alternative characters. I ended up getting home about 30 minutes after the servers went live and actually got into the game fairly quicly (took about 20 minutes in queues). I then managed to get my mage up to about level 4 or 5 before going off for dinner, as I knew I was going to play with my friends after dinner... this was a big mistake.
Coming back to play after dinner, we were faced with queues of about 70 minutes. Which sounds crazy, but wasn't even that bad compared to some of the queues other servers were dealing with. We did eventually get into the game and I ended up leaving my warlock to level 5 as well. I'm in an odd place where I have two caster gnomes that are almost doing the same quests... but I'm kind of okay with it because I have a problem with gnomes (like a good problem!) At any rate, launch day was a lot of fun even with the long queues and I look forward to casually pushing my mage toward level 60 in th coming months.
Now before we get into it, let me tell you where I am coming from. I have been playing MMORPGs for a while now. I played WOW for the first time about halfway through Wrath of The Lich King and played until the end of Catacylsm. I then left WOW to go play games like Guild Wars 2, Wildstar (RIP), and Black Desert Online. I’ve always paid attention to the new expansions WOW released but never felt very interested in returning to the game. Even during legion, when it looked like WOW had really turned the ship around (we’ll talk more about this in a second) I wasn’t convinced. It was Battle for Azeroth, an expansion focused on exploring, adventure, and world PVP that convinced me to come back. Finally, I have decided to give WOW classic a try, as I have always been more interested in the journey when it comes to MMOs. I'm excited to see how this old school MMO holds up in today's market, and if the hype surrounding vanilla WOW is truly warranted.
👀 Did you try classic on launch day? What class did you decide to play?
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👍 Next video: To be announced
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🎧 Outro Music:
Background Music: Flecks_of_light
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