
Hyper Grace 'Repentance of Sins' IS IN FACT BIBLICAL and it is 'A SALVATION ISSUE'!

Hyper Grace 'Repentance of Sins' IS IN FACT BIBLICAL and it is 'A SALVATION ISSUE'! Do not be fooled... if you are still dead in sins and are yet to be "awakened" to your state of being lost and have not cried out to Jesus, but merely said "yeah ok i change my mind.. i believe". then you have been fooled by a false teacher.
you don't like it when preachers preach against sin? you may "believe" or say/think
"oh i went to so many legalistic churches before i finally found the one i liked"
"oh i was tired of hearing about repent of sins"
.."it's not a salvation issue"
" you'll just lose rewards"
"how you live your life does not determine if you've been saved" ? (sound familiar? Renee's most recent video)
Hyper Grace... You must be born again or you will
go to hell.
I love you and am trying my best to teach to you the word of God and for you to LISTEN, but will you go back to what you like to hear and turn away from the truth and to fables?
renee roland, jacksmack all these hyper grace teachers are wresting (twisting, perverting, distorting) the true gospel "TO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION" 2 Peter 3:16... and you will 100% follow them to hell. I Guarantee it.

repent or perish... TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!

Yes i will use a verse out of another version if it does not touch doctrinal matters.

You must repent... not to get saved, but repentance is a result of the new birth... if you've been saved.. i promise you .. you will repent... God "grants you repentance unto life" it is a free gift... open your heart to him and cry out to the Only one that can save you.

this is not works...

"Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Gal 3:24
... if you are trying to "work" your way to God you've "fallen from grace"
4 "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith"
Obedience is a result of the new birth. stop trying to work your way to God, it can't happen!
you are blaspheming the work of the cross "it is finished" when you are trying to say your obedience will justify you...

read the whole book of Galatians. Lordship (closet catholics) damns (see 1 tim 4:1).... and so does Easy believism! (aka Hyper Grace).

renee roland,'hyper grace,jacksmack77,mickey delfino,wretched knucklehead,mary miller,seeker of light,false teachers,jude 4,

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