
Amazon Title Optimization? Here is Shawns Amazing Fairytail listing

Amazon Title Optimization? Here is Shawns Amazing Fairytail listing Amazon Title Optimization? Here is Shawns Amazing Fairytail listing

Shawn is a new Amazon Seller, one of his first products was a wonderful solar powered light.

Shawn setup the listing exactly how he was told to by the sourcing agent, the company he purchased the solar powered lights from, actually even gave him great photos, and they said he could use all of their listing copy!

That's a win/win right?!

So his listing title was 'solar powered light' then it talked about the shape of the light, and the colors in came in.

He'd had these lights listed for a little over a month, and hadn't sold any, he was running pay per click ads, and he'd gotten several clicks (about a 3% CTR, pretty good) and 0 sales.

Over $120 in pay per click - Zero Sales.

He was told that his product wasn't getting enough exposure, and that he should just wait a little longer for results, and pay more for traffic to get more people to the listing.

The first thing he did was raise his budget from $1 to $1.25

When he had over $500 spent in advertising, and 1 sale, he reached out to us, in hopes that we could make his listing better.

So, on first glance: the actual product was not just a solar powered light.... This was a solar powered light, in the shape of a garden gnome.

The listing that he had, almost sounded like it was for a solar powered flashlight, with images of an angry gnome - Seriously, thing looked mad at the world, have you seen these things? Ugly little buggers, I think they should be holding some sort of weapon, they look dangerous.

So I immediately knew where most of the issues where, and it was in the first 5 words of his listing, keep that in mind, those first 5 words, those are the most important to ranking your title -

The bad news is, I couldn't help him recover the money he'd already spent in PPC, I was able to help him make it up with margins, but anytime you launch a product as a white label seller, your already in the hole... When your listing isn't converting, and your spending on advertising, that hole just gets bigger because you are also paying storage fees (ICK!)

Here are the 3 steps I took to give him a better title:

#1 Clearly defined keywords in the first 5 words (Solar Powered Angry Garden Gnome**)

#2 Left out generic terms until AT LEAST the 6th word, such as color, size, or other pack terms such as 2 pack, 3 pack, 3 in 1, etc.

#3 Cut his PPC spend, clearly defined his keywords in the back of his listing, and started with a $0.75 starting auto bid

These 3 steps took Shawns product from 0 sales per month, to roughly 3-4 per day, and that turned into about 13 per day.

If your titles aren't appealing, or are too generic, you will not get the sales you are hoping for - Amazon will also rank your clicks better, with a clearer more defined title, and a lower rate, we were able to increase his ctr to almost 4%

The manual CTR's are much higher.

Remember, if you are having issues getting a product to initially sell, it is very possible that your title is what is holding you back...

Copy, bullet points, photos - these are all very important things, but if your title doesn't appeal, and it doesn't match your photos perfectly, your buyers will not feel enticed, at all.

Good luck, and happy selling!

** - This is not Shawns actual product **

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We can help with most issues, we can also help if you feel that your competitors are leaving you fake reviews on your amazon listings, or help you raise your ratings should your products be having issues.

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amazon title optimization,amazon title help,amazon sales,increase amazon conversions,low amazon conversions,better amazon titles,amazon listing optimization,amazon listing help,amazon listing,

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