The 8.8 lions Gate transmission will take place on the 8th of August 2019 at 8:08 p.m. UK time..
In this transmission we are being called to come together to fully and completely activate our galactic lyran feline DNA. Our feline DNA reaches back to the beginning of our souls creation and thus incorporates many of our spiritual gifts and powers that are our birthright and were sent forth for us by our mother Father God.
We are being called to come together on this Potent portal date to work with Lyran higher self aspects to activate a profound healing ceremony for the Divine masculine and divine feminine counterparts.
Again we will be working with mother Mary's magenta Ray and archangel Michael's Blu-ray which will be overseeing this healing.
We are being called to come together to activate a highly auspicious forgiveness and atonement ceremony for any feminines and masculines in your reality who are still addicted to drama victimhood and playing out lower timelines continuously.
Please know that our higher self aspects are calling for us to gather on this auspicious date to send a blast of Lyran feline healing and DNA activation to these aspects of yourself who are playing out these destructive timelines. Many of the souls that we are being called to work with are a part of the 144000 who have agreed to play out these timelines off sleepless and deep forgetfulness. But please know that this all ends here and now in this extraordinary powerful Gateway, and these souls that we are referring to are aligning with the most extraordinary healing of their entire galactic existence.
We are also being guided to clear all lower timelines to make way for the royal marriage of the Lion and Lionesswithin you and on a collective level..., This is a huge galactic ceremony that we are being asked to facilitate as our galactic soul families ground crew.
Is transmission will take place in a brand new group on Facebook it is very important that all of you who sign up for the transmission read the PDF clearly which gives you full instructions to join the brand new group please know that this sacred and Powerful work is offered on an energetic exchange basis
here is the link to book onto the 8.8 lions gate transmission