
Roofing Marketing - The Strategy That You'll Probably Ignore (Works Great In 2019)

Roofing Marketing - The Strategy That You'll Probably Ignore (Works Great In 2019) What's your roofing marketing strategy?

If you're like most roofing contractors, you probably don't have your roofing marketing strategy written down, drawn out, or framed on a wall in your office. And that's normal, you're not alone.

You've got your hands full running your business, and there's rarely enough time left over in the day for much else after you factor in family time and rest.

But taking the time to think through how you plan on growing your roofing business and generating quality roofing leads is pretty important. Abraham Lincoln said “give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Think of your roofing marketing strategy as sharpening your axe, and chopping the tree down as your business operations. Having a well though out strategy outlining how you're going to dominate your market will make the rest of your work much easier.

In this video I cover a roofing marketing strategy that I call "The Google Trifecta". If you agree that most people nowadays go to Google when they need something, then you'd agree that being on Google is somewhat of a good thing for your roofing business. (I hope)

Well here's the cool part - what if you could get your roofing business to show up on the 1st page of Google not just once, not even twice, but THREE times? That would mean you take up 300% more prime digital real estate than any of your competitors. 300% more visibility. 300% more chance to catch a homeowner's attention. 300% more roofing leads.

Sounds pretty good doesn't it?

Now let's slow down, this ain't gonna happen overnight. There isn't a magic button you press for The Google Trifecta to be deployed in your roofing business. It takes WORK and PLANNING.

But is it worth?

That's for you to watch the video and decide.

Want some help growing your roofing company - 100% risk free?

Grab the case study here:

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