Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship … whoops wrong thing, lol. If anyone who reads this gets that reference I’ll give you the biggest thumbs up ever. Now let us continue, this time around instead of facing off against an unhinged friend looking to get revenge for the death of his sisters and the supernatural Wendigos waiting to rip off the faces of those that move we find ourselves with four friends on a dive boat in the South Pacific ready for what should be the trip of a lifetime but things don’t go quite as planned and we’re plunged into a ghost ship where unimaginable stress and terrors reaches its inevitable conclusion …. you know death. ^_^
Is this a hashtag metoo moment? Nah, I see it as two women fortunate enough to survive the haunted ship while the men failed spectacularly.
Did anyone else find it odd that the women didn’t hug it out after survivor the horrors of the spooks at 2:24 while the men did in the previous video ( )? It is also lovely to see the return of the post traumatic event interview ( 4:19 ) like the ones done in Until Dawn.
For those who are curious Conrad fell off the ladder after I gleefully missed all the QTEs during the chase with the creepy Nurse and Brad gets shot by Junior after I chose the "say nothing" option. Yet another time when doing nothing leads to a horrible death.
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan is an upcoming interactive drama horror game developed by Supermassive Games and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is set to be the first installment in The Dark Pictures Anthology series, and is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 30th, 2019. [ ]
Several noted actors, including Shawn Ashmore ( Conrad ), Ayisha Issa ( Fliss ), Pip Torrens ( The Curator ), Kwasi Songui ( Olson ), Chris Sandiford ( Brad ), Kareem Tristan Alleyne ( Alex ), Sean Colby ( Charlie ), Arielle Palik ( Julia ), Chimwemwe Miller ( Junior ) provided motion capture and voice acting.
[ The Dark Pictures Anthology : Man of Medan - The Best Ending ( Good Ending - Everyone Survives ) - That’s Something, I Suppose Trophy / Achievement ][ Man of Medan - Only the Women Survived Ending for “Girls’ Night Out” trophy / achievement ( All the Men ( Boys ) Died ) ][ Learning to work together trophy / achievement ]
#ManofMedan #TheDarkPictures #SupermassiveGames