▶ iMyFone Fixppo $24.95 special offer:
In today's video, we're discussing a great release for those of you who have just jailbroken your iOS 12.4 device yesterday. A new list of compatible, working, and not working tweaks has been put together by the community so that you can get the best Cydia Tweaks while avoiding the ones that are incompatible and produce weird bugs, glitches or straight out crashes. The list is being maintained by the whole community and anybody can submit the status of the tweaks they've tested, so that iOS 12.4 Jailbreak becomes a great experience for every member of our community. Enjoy your jailbreak, now with verified and confirmed tweaks!
In this video I am talking about two different methods one can use to check whether a jailbreak tweak works or not on a specific iOS version. The first method, the Excel list made by fattyffat on Reddit is a great way to quickly check a tweak to see if it works. At the moment I am making this video, more than 270 tweaks were added to the list with either working or not working statuses. The second method is called tweakCompatible and it allows you to see the compatibility right in your Cydia. More details in the video.
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▽ Resources ▽
▶ Our Jailbreak Forum:
▶ Compatible Tweaks List:
▶ tweakCompatible:
▶ Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 12.4:
▶ iOS 12.3.1 / 12.3 / iOS 12.4 JAILBREAK: Current Exploits, Status, SHSH2 Blobs & What to Expect:
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▶ The links for iMyFone Fixppo and the special offer link in the description is sponsored by iMyFone.