Home Loans! Mortgage! Which mortgage is better? What is the best mortgage? FHA loan! FHA Mortgage! Conventional loan! Is a conventional mortgage right for me?
When you are considering a mortgage, which home loan will serve you best and be the cheapest mortgage in the short term and the cheapest mortgage in the long term? A short term benefit mortgage may be different than a long term benefit mortgage!
When you compare home loans, which mortgage will bring you closer to your goals? Short term mortgage options may be an FHA loan and a long term benefit can often be a conventional mortgage. Compare to FHA! What is the Best Mortgage? Which Home Loan should you use? Is it FHA? Compare different Home loans. Conventional loan vs FHA loan.
. Which home loans type is better & how do I compare different loan types? Learn the different home loan types and real estate loan types. FHA Loan? FHA loans have some advantages. Conventional Loan? A conventional loan be better! Home loan types explained in detail for FHA | Conventional Loan. 2019
Compare different real estate loans, Conventional loans to FHA loans in this video! Conventional vs FHA Loans! Is FHA better than Conventional? Conventional loan better than an FHA loan? Confused about real estate loan types? FHA loans explained 2019 vs other types of loans. There are many variables explained here but by the end, the important things to consider should become clear! Learn and you'll be one simple mortgage step closer to being told to go "Fire Your Landlord!" Learn FHA loan requirements & other loan requirements.
Visit www.FireYourLandlord.info or just call me for any residential mortgage or home loans, Rancho Cucamonga home Loan Officer, Chris Trapani FHA Loan Officer at 310-350-2546 & I'll send you a free printout to make it easier to for first-time buyers to understand!
Conventional loans work best for borrowers with very high Fico scores, FHA loans will usually work best for borrowers with lower Fico scores, See... it can be confusing but the Free PDF can help you sort it out! It's a great way to compare mortgages. Know the benefits of FHA loan vs conventional and compare different home loan types. FHA Loan or conventional.
FHA loan vs conventional loan comes up regarding credit & down payment. Conventional vs FHA loan - which has an advantage over the other. An FHA mortgage is better for... A conventional loan beats... I hear this all the time and I always wind up saying - you haven't provided enough info to make a smart decision yet! Real estate investors need to know!
Which loan type is best, which loan is best will always come down to numbers for any home loan. With a down payment of over 20%, a conventional loan is almost always better than FHA. Know how to compare home loans for an FHA mortgage vs a conventional loan.
Conventional loans have higher interest rates than FHA loans but with high Fico scores, the mortgage insurance is lower than the Mortgage insurance for an FHA loan.
for an FHA home loan application online. For a home loan application online Chris makes it easy! Only takes 10 minutes to fill out a loan application!
I've helped 1,000s of people, families, vets and first-time home buyers with Conventional loans, FHA loans, & VA loans % even Jumbo & USDA loans. If you know how to compare mortgages like a VA vs FHA vs conventional loan, it will make your decision easier!
The interest rate for an FHA loan - Great
The interest rate for a Conventional loan - higher
The credit score required for an FHA loan - as low as 500
The credit score required for a Conventional loan - 620 minimum
The Down Payment for an FHA loan - 3.5%
The Down Payment for a Conventional loan - As low as 3%
The Mortgage Insurance for an FHA loan - .85% annually
The Mortgage Insurance for a Conventional loan - from .35% up to 1.6% depending on Fico score
The Up Front Mortgage Insurance for an FHA loan - 1.75%
The Up Front Mortgage Insurance for a Conventional loan - None - but can be paid to eliminate monthly mortgage insurance - useful with high credit score borrowers
For more information go to www.FireYourLandlord.info and visit the TIPS Page for a more detailed free PDF download.
Jonathan Perea
Century 21 King
(909) 205-7500
CalBRE# 01908216
Mortgage questions, you can call Chris at 310-350-2546.
Chris Trapani
NMLS# 240870
Cell: 310-350-2546
EZ Fundings
8577 Haven Ave, Suite 201
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730