
A GREAT Hair Clay at an Even Better Price | Don Juan Handcrafted Styling Clay Review

A GREAT Hair Clay at an Even Better Price | Don Juan Handcrafted Styling Clay Review Thanks for tuning into this week's review where we're looking at the Don Juan Handcrafted Styling Clay! To confirm some details I said in the video:

Yes, this hair clay is made exclusively for Don Juan by Flagship Pomade. This is not just a cut-and-paste of another formula. This one was created from the ground up by Flagship for Don Juan and is only ever going to be for Don Juan.

As of right now, the product is about $14-15 with free shipping in the USA. Of course, that's a very generous deal, so the price could always go up later to cover cost of shipping.

No, I won't recommend products for you individually. Gotta draw boundaries.

Yes, you should like this video and subscribe!

And, also yes, you should read the written review:

Find the product here:



Anchors Aweigh Courage Clay: Both have a similar consistency and a similar hold. Anchors is truly water-soluble, tackier in its finish, and a bit stiffer when settled.

Prospectors Coal Mine Pomade: Both have a creamy consistency, though Prospectors is a bit thicker. Prospectors is also lighter in weight, slightly lighter in hold, but also truly water-soluble. It’s also a bit stiffer and more pasty than Don Juan.

Arcadian Clay Pomade: Again, very similar creamy consistency. Both products have hair-healthy ingredients as well, but Arcadian is very very stiff and dry. Not nearly as comfortable as Don Juan and also far more expensive.

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