
Iran continues its intransigence and spiritual choices are shrinking

Iran continues its intransigence and spiritual choices are shrinking Iran continues its intransigence and spiritual choices are shrinking

Further escalation between Iran and the international community is taking place in the current period, in light of the many decisions and actions taken by the government of Hassan Rowhani, with regard to reducing Iran's commitments to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015, which leads the sponsors of the agreement to take many punitive decisions Against Tehran.

The steps taken by Iran to reduce its commitment to the nuclear agreement were confirmed on Sunday, July 7, after the government of President Hassan Rowhani decided to end its most important nuclear commitments: raising the proportion and stockpile of enriched uranium and lifting heavy water production, Used in making a nuclear weapon.

The actions taken by Tehran today confirm that the mullahs' government is just around the corner of the nuclear agreement and that the international community defies the gap between Iran and Western governments, particularly the United States of America, which has been affected by recent sabotage operations. Iran in the Middle East, the last of which was the downing of a US aircraft in international waters.

The government of the mullahs not only did not abide by the terms of the nuclear agreement, but stepped up its attack against the Europeans; accusing them of not fulfilling their commitments not to defy US sanctions, despite the announcement by Britain, France and Germany activation of the channel "Instex" for trade with Iran.


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