Its Jamie lynn, or if you're from instagram you may know be better as @yourgirldoesworkout
so many of you are in the same boat as me, so i want to be as open and transparent as possible about my recovery from Binge Eating Disorder. I was officially diagnosed at the age of appx 11 if memory serves correct, this was shortly after my overcoming my bout of Trchilitilimania OCD Hair pulling disorder ( i will make a separate video).
After a few months finding the right medications for my Borderline Personality Disorder, Dysthemia, PTSD, Anxiety and whatever else i've got i decided to really start focusing on whats triggering alot of these, my binging.
Binge eating is not to be confused with overeating and is a legitimate eating disorder. 5% of Americans struggle DAILY. There is no ONE persona that you could tell someone is struggling, we typically do this in private.
If you or someone you love is struggling, please know asking for help is ALWAYS an option.
National Eating Disorder Association:
Information directly on Vyvanse:
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health